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Old July 4th 05, 04:30 PM
Posts: n/a

an_old_friend wrote:

Nope you go off the rails at "..for personal gain.." I, even you may
say or claim anything if it well serve to enhance his personal safety
or that of other. I or even you may even use deadly force. The comment
diverted you you even (if you are to be belived stopped to call the
Pentagon)til I could return home and be better able to defend my
family. You keep forgeting that YOU said "One shoot One kill even in
Illiopolis" Indeed at the moment you made that threat had you carried
it out the man you would have killed would have been my elderly father
or the temporay caregiver I hired while I was away on busness

I'd like to dig that post out of Google.

He made severl of them also made the threat repeatly in email to me

But he tries to make out that he's really a nice guy and only has your
family's best interest at heart.

he is a sick SoB

He may be our next democrat candidate for president.

Thank god even the Dems are not that Kamikaze

That's a felony.

Indeed your threats are the felony, but Law enforcement has grown to
lazy to do the job of dealing with trash like you.

Depends on who you are. Steve claims that with one phone call...

Stevie Claims a lot of ****

Agreed. He backs up none of it with documentation.

Youa re clearly a stalker likely a relitively harmless one, but you
stalk various people including myself, indeed given the interstate
nature of your crime a federal offence, but perhaps you take comfort in
the knowledge that you are not a bigg enough fish to be worthfrying for
your crimes (metaphoricaly speacking of course)

I don't think Steve is harmless. Be careful.

I said relitively harmless, they are far more dangerous one than
Stevie. more wooried about him inciting other folks with his crap.

The thought of Steve as puppetmaster...

Not a Puppet master by any means a puppeteer, maybe


But then, when he made his "bricks through windows, slashed tires, and
terrorized wives" comments, he assured us that it was only "other
people" who do such things. He is as pure as the driven snow.

Missed that one

But you cheat Steve of his due He is pure as the driven over snow deny
him what you but grant him his due

Hence i take and have always taken precautions and thus Steve has never
managed to get closer than I have choosen to allow him he has contacted
people that know me and where the trails of breadcrumbs lead

I think he's a creep. Leave no crumbs if you can help it.

I have left crumbs that lead to blind alleys, but places where his
efforts will be detected.

Don't insult creeps, please don't bring down that merely disrepuable

Vermin Like Steve is why I am not nor will I ever be completely honest
on the Internet about my bio or location etc

Vermin! Hi!

And I like the way you broke his name down; Robber's Son.

Been looking for the right moment for that one found when he was claim
someone was a thief

A Cheap shot what is is fun and is valid on the face of it

He's been absent for a while. Do you think he was picked up and in