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Old February 4th 04, 11:11 PM
Blarn E. Stone
Posts: n/a

On Mon, 02 Feb 2004 03:01:02 GMT, "Brian Goldsmith"

"K8bvj" wrote

That BAMA site is useless....half the time, you cant get into it...DUMB!

**** So are whinging,whining people like you!!! BAMA is for free or
haven't you noticed.It has come about through one mans totally unselfish
efforts that have given untold pleasure to probably hundreds of
thousands of people.Not that nameless ,sneering, snivelling people like
you would understand that sort of generosity. You make me puke!!!!!!!!

Brian Goldsmith

Well, if it isn't the mild-mannered Mr. Goldsmith!
Never outspoken, are you?!
He he!

Actually I agree with you on most of this. You could have left out the
personal remarks and the puke, LOL!

K8BVJ is just impatient and new to FTP.