Tony wrote:
Tai Ping Yang, your world is too small and shallow, kid. You have no clue of
the French or Greek concept of freedom and human rights. You bought the
whole story because you have no other frame of reference (Ignorance is
BTW it's insulting to call USA America; what about Canadians, Mexicans,
Brazilian..... . You just decided to co-opt the entire continent. Coming
from an Asian, you should be sensitive to other people and a little more
knowledgeable of other cultures history.
"Tai Ping Yang" wrote in message
There are revolutions, and then there are revolutions.
Revolution is an American's heritage. We had a revolution in the 13
in 1776, and the nation was born with the Declaration of Independence on
July 4.
This founding document of our young nation, though, was actually not a
to revolution or rebellion. Check the text, and you won't find
"revolution/revolt" or "rebellion/rebel" anywhere.
It was a noble call to uphold the "Laws of Nature and of Nature's God"-a
call to respect the highest traditions and principles of humanity, not to
destroy them.
Why keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool when you can open it and
remove all doubt