In your Expert Opinion, and full 100% support of Charlie, let us see
your Calculations that this thing is Safe. Im not a tower expert by
any means. But working at the Worlds largest Aircraft company as a
technical Design Engineer, I know what looks BAD. AND I have helped
put many towers up and climbed my share of towers, and I know what is
safe and what isnt. I would not go up that one for any money on earth.
Tell me what those trees can hold in upward pulling momentum from those
3 guy lines, and how that thing has not exceeded the capacity for the
trees to not eventually SNAP. Tell me how the Power pole, set in the
verticle with, will hold those three guy lines perfectly secure, while
they are pulling at it in a side and upward movement How with no
secure pins are the turnbuckles not going to give way.
The force of the tower alone in the wind and pulling on those trees is
enough to make one Queesy just to look at it. Oh and He still hasnt
answered what he plans to tell the Power company when they discover his
little field mod to thier power pole. Hell its a 200 buck fine if
they see you putting a nail in one here.
So please do tell us again Mr Smith.