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Old July 6th 05, 03:12 PM
Posts: n/a

K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:

First none wonders why you consider me an idiot

You finally got one thing right this week...

Mighty white of you old man

Now THAT'S bigotry, Mark.


it is also sarcasm

Yes, it's true that you don't understand emission designators...Yet
it's supposed to be a part of your licensing scope.

not a question about alph numeric mode codes in my question pool

I didn't say it was a licensing question, Mark.

I said it's within the scope of your licensure.

auf anglish bitte

If you think it should you shouldaddress your coments to the NVEC

Why should I address the fact that Mark Morgan is ignorant of the
rules and regulations that he is responsible for knowing and complying
with to the NVEC?

you should not, but given your control freak mentality you may well
have done so already,

OTOH it is what I said. what I said is that if you think knowing such
codes is so important you address your concenr to NVEC

There is no requirement that I know any rule or regulation Stevie,
merely that I obey them.

I freely admit I don't or care about the meaning of j87fh76k or the
differences between it and j6gd748jd

crying cut for formating improvements

You cut yourself out? Why?

nop cut out your crying


grow up

And get this...MARK MORGAN talking about what is or is not

indeed and you have a problem with that, and need to start another of
your personal attack threads

It's not a personal attack, Mark. It's a professional

Nope a BIG lie for an ER nurse, not your feild



Being able to assess the basic level of social development and
competency with "ADL'S", or "Activites of Daily Living", is a
number-one criterion for a good ER Nurse.

if so then why are you so bad at it

oH excuse you said Good ER nurse that does let you out

Now...Would YOU please show me where YOU have any credentials in
determining what is and is not within the scope of practice for a Nurse
at ANY level of licensure...?!?!

NO I will not

There are limits to the extent I will help you play your divisionary

You have a problem with English. You're not very proficient at

but your coment that I am more proficent in Sebian is a lie

I never said you were competent in Sebian...Whatever THAT is...

more avoidance

crying cut for formating improvements

Snipped more embarrassing stuff, you mean...

Nope just one of your crying

I'm not the one crying, Markie.

yes are the one crying your are the word typing crap like

Iam just cuting it out of my replies

grow up

I'm not the one having his dirty laundry and failed character held
up to the light of day.

you are just the one inistsing that irelavant info must be repated over
and over again

Dirty laundry, bull****

I am admit to being Bisexual I admit to being Pagan. I admit to
spelling poorly

Now what that has to do with Ham radio or policy therin I don't know

Stop beating the poor dead equine, please

your judgement of "failed character" only by perhaps by YOUR standards
fine so my Stevies standard my character is poor

Grow up and move on

Stop beating the poor dead equine, please

73, de Hans, K0HB

73's on an couple of snide posts is about what you'd expect

And you're one of the singularly most idiotic and narrow brained
idiots to ever be allowed to get on the Internet or hold an Amateur
Radio license!

which even if true (and franky you have a real sample problem) has
nothing to do with the statement

No...not "...even if true..."

yes even if true

Then it's true and we've found something else we can agree on.

nope another

or are you goingto pull a Clinton and start a debate on the meaning of
the word "IF"

Grow up

Stop beating the poor dead equine, please

You're idiotic and narrow brained.

Stop beating the poor dead equine, please

Good show.

glad you have enjoyed it sadist

Stop beating the poor dead equine, please

You are the close to most narrowminded idoit haolding a Ham license.

Just when I think I can't laugh any harder, Mark pushes the button
one more time!

mashochist as well I guess they do often go together

! ! ! ! !

why must you make it even harder to just read and format you bull****
with these outbrusts?

Stop beating the poor dead equine, please

Yo Doc was the worst I know of

You mean he was more aggressive in rubbing your nose in your own

No I don't I mean what I mean, not what you in your warped mind say I

Stop beating the poor dead equine, please

I can live with that.

yes you can so?

It's absolutely true.



Nope you are norrow minded


What an IDIOT!

thinking somebody snide makes one an idiot

No...YOU calling Hans "snide" for having the temerity to actually
think he was doing you a favor by answering your question for you in an
accurate and prompt manner makes you an idiot.

Well he amswered some OTHER question not mine and not one tht had been

You asked about the "60 meter band" and about what mode could be
used there.

No Iasked wether CW could be use on the 60 M band

He answered you precisely.


You responded in your typical idiotic, kneejerk fashion, once again
showing the world what kind of "man" Mark Morgan is.

a better man than you

well then Hoist you idiot


"Hoist you"...?!?!

yes aren't well enough educated

"Hoist you"...?!?!

yep go look it up

"yes aren't well enough educated"...?!?!

yes it is true you don't seem to be well enough educated

Mark, there's not one coherent thought there...Not to the rest of
the world, anyway.

more overblown bull****

Stevie Blunder speaker onbehalf of the world

Some gay pagan salute?


and more of your gaybashing

more of your pagan bashing

What gaybashing?


What pagan bashing?


Steve, K4YZ