"Jay in the Mojave" wrote in message
Hello Landshark:
Wavin ah hand from deep inside the Southern California Mojave Desert. It
will probably get 105 degree's today.
Man I am afraid the unsafe and insane fire works will out in force
tonight. Got my chair on top of the roof ready for viewing all the goings
on. Got HF, VHF, and UHF coaxes ready to reroute for the nights viewing on
top the roof. Keeping in touch with all the locals and such.
I have some neighbors about a quarter mile from me, all boys from ages 12
to 17, so I am sure I will not need my binoculars. They didn't quit
shootin stuff till 11 Pm lastnight, should be a good show.
Jay in the Mojave
Landshark wrote:
A very Happy 4th of July to Everyone!
LOL!!! same here, too funny.
My bad..the camera is mightier than the blowhard(s)..in most respects.