sn96.3 ag3.7 solder qstn
I am going to recap an old Hallicrafters. I have some Kester sn96.3 ag3.7
solder. Can this be used on joints that already have old lead solder on them?
I'd like to get away from lead products, but don't want bad solder joints
either. Is this new Kester solder a good replacement for lead solder on new
projects? Any advice appreciated.
Been enjoying the spirited bidding on August Link's eBay Command set rarities
as well as the equally spirited debate regarding the morality? of it all. Good
theater if nothing else. If they go any higher someone in China will start
making counterfeits.
I scoured a lot of surplus places in the 60s and although I have memories of
literally tons of unused ARC 5 gear, I never once saw even one of the rare
sets he found. As late as 1975, Standard Surplus on Market St in SF CA would
give me a free NIB ARC 5 xmtr with every $20 purchase if I politely asked Abe,
the crusty old owner. He had big stacks of them in the rat infested dungeon
like basement. Getting a box with knaw marks was part of the experience. The
good old days.