I thought that I would start a new post on this. If you are willing to help
me fine tune the call sign prefix search engine and know of any prefixes
that need to be added to the database, then I will be online for about the
next four hours.
I will be online today 7 July, 2005, from about 1730z to 2130z and will be
monitoring the chat room. We can discuss the prefixes that need to be added
to the database and I will add them as we chat. The chat room feature is an
untested script and so this will also give me chance to see how it works,
too. Type /NICK followed by your call sign to change your user name from
"guest" to your call. Click the help button for additional chat commands.
Open a new browser window for chat if also playing with the database at the
same time. I will be switching back and forth between windows so if I do
not answer right away in the chat window then just give me a minute or two.
The chat room is the second link on my web page. The database is the third
link listed.
Thanks and hope to see you online.
Dave, Zed Zed
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