Really low SWRs but is it worth trimming the antenna
I am running a President Grant am/usb/lsb and on Channel 1 the SWR is
1:0.08, on Channel 40 it is 1:1.45 and on Channel 19 it is 1:1.09. It
really isn't worth doing an adjustment on this antenna setup is there?
The antenna is a single Yagi beam made up of two Tram Penetrators
(Monkey Made's). I think that it is sold as a 1/2 wave antenna and
have heard that it is a 5/8 wave. This antenna can be set for 10 meter
usage also. It really looks weird up there without a reflector on it.
I may put a reflector on it but am stumped as to length of the
reflector (ging to be made of 1/2" electrical conduit). I can't find
the formula for the length taking into consideration of the diameter of
the reflector. I believe that the 'stand-by' one should use 468/f.
Using 27.185 (Chl 19) the length should be 17.22 feet. Only thing is
the length of the driven element is less than 12' because of the
antennas having the centerload coil in them.
What do you think?