FS: Yaesu FT-897 all band, all mode
HF,6m, 2M, 70cm with all modes. Built-in many features and I like it better
than 706 Mk II G previously owned.
HF & 6M 100w out, 144mhz 50w out, 70cm 20w out.Approx 1.5 years old, has
1 minor problem ( who uses remote tune anyway?): UP-DWN-FST remote tuning
from mic does not function. Not worth repair fee to me. All else works as it
Is my primary 50-144-432 radio, seldom FM any band, seldom even HF use.
Am CW op and have TT Omni 6+. Giving up vhf-uhf bands so the rig is excess
as I plan on using Icom 271A 2M CW-SSB & xvrtr with the Omni for 6 meters.
Have all as purchased new: original box, manual & DC power cable. $600. +
The later 897 D is $850.