Uncle Peter wrote:
"Duby Todd" wrote in message
Haven't seen much on this radio lately. Is there still interest in this
boatanchor? All I get on Google is some sort of converter for use with
radio, plus a boxcar load of model cars.
Dube K4DWW
You might get a LOT more hits using R-390 or R-390A instead. That little
- makes a lot of difference on search engines.
And there's a _very_ active -- and mostly on-topic -- R-390 mailing list
through qth.net. Point your browser at http://www.qth.net to see all
the mailing lists hosted there.
People who do technical support for a living are bitter, twisted and
uncharitable. Eight hours a day of telling people what's already in the
manual [..] results in a steady and inexorable progression towards a
state of depressive sociopathy. -dansdata.com