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Old February 11th 04, 08:16 AM
Michael A. Terrell
Posts: n/a

Henry Kolesnik wrote:

I'm aware of the computerized unit at, but it's out of my range. Is there
any way to find out what the fixture looks like, better yet a pix?. Now I'm
wondering if an old IBM keypunch card maker could be the base. I can't
recall the model number., but there was no shortage.of them 40 years ago but
I'll bet you could find one cheap if you looked hard enough.

The old IBM key to card punches that I have seen (and scrapped) were
the model 19 and the model 29. They were small steel desks full of
mechanical and electrical parts that no one wanted, so they were
scrapped for the steel frames and made into small work benches.

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Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida