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Old July 10th 05, 07:25 PM
Posts: n/a

On 10 Jul 2005 15:40:11 GMT, wrote:
On Fri, 8 Jul 2005 13:59:41 UTC, "Albert &
Btittany Spear" wrote:

My 2-year old Mozilla can't even begin reading
this site- kicks out with error msg I've never
seen before, something like: "can't enter site;
some data may have been transferred".

Hire 'one true way' M$ heads to work for peanuts
to create/maintain your website and you loose
potential customers like this. They're trying to
sell hardware fer xsakes!

BTW, I am looking, once again, for 3/4 inch coax
connectors for nitrogen-cell CATV cable which was
free, but sorry you can't have any of our

The all too common focus on Form Instead Of Function.
What the pain must be to view that web site over dial-up...
This is telling:
" 00898 hits since June 7, 2005 "
(Most of which are probably NG readers checking on your complaint. :-)

My non-commercial web site gets more hits than that PER DAY.

I run several different web browsers on my linux box here for those
occasions when I MUST get in to see a web site. Usually, tho', I
don't waste my time -- I just click off somewhere else...

The most infuriating are the home pages consisting of NOTHING but
flash eye-candy. (The plus there is that type of web site rarely
gets into the Google lists.....)

Jonesy -- who truly believes in KISS.
Marvin L Jones | jonz | W3DHJ | linux
Pueblo, Colorado | @ | Jonesy | OS/2 __
38.24N 104.55W | | DM78rf | SK