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Old July 11th 05, 03:22 AM
Posts: n/a

Carl WA1KPD wrote:
I am converting an old Marine Radio to a 160 mtr rig. The supply used a
transformer with a 100CPS vibrator. Can I use the transformer that came with
it on 60 CPS AC?

Certainly. The 100hz was a squarewave & there'll be enough core for
your 60hz sinepower. It's the radio units running 400hz & such that
are problematic & far too undersized. But if I were you I'd scope it
with the vibe under load first to be sure its really a 100hz (or so)
supply - I don't recall seeing a 100hz vibrator though there are a lot
of other things I haven't seen, too. You'll also have some filter L/C
issues to think of, or at least check, and there are hash components
you can get rid of. If the buffer cap's good I'd leave it in for handy
transient protection.