running dogg wrote:
Cmd Buzz Corey wrote:
james wrote:
On Sun, 10 Jul 2005 13:54:46 -0400, "Tim"
+Seeing 50 & 60 year old men paste "ARRL Member" stickers
+all over their cars, then go out on the highway and chase truck
+drivers around to see what frequency they are on, has got to one
+of the most hilarious things anyone has ever seen.
Better yet 4 older hams on a 2 meter repeater on a saturday morning
discribing their heart attacks. How long they were in intensive care
and how much mobility they have lost.
So did anyone hold a gun to you to make you listen?
I, personally, would be bored silly-probably a main reason why I never
felt motivated to become a ham. (I'm posting from
Well, if you were listening to something that boring to you, you
probably have enough sense to change to another repeater or turn the
radio off. James evidently can't do that. (I'm posting from my chair).