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Old July 11th 05, 04:34 AM
running dogg
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David wrote:

Regrettably, this looks to be the case...

Islam was founded on the dream of "dar al-Islam"-an Islamic Earth,
created through conquest. One scholar has said that the first Muslims
felt the end of the world dawning and that Allah had called them to
conquer the earth in the moment that was left. They came damn close,
too-they spread Islam from Spain and sub Saharan Africa almost to China.
Much of that area has remained Muslim. Afghanistan was Buddhist before
the Muslim conquerors showed up, killed the monks, and forcibly
converted everybody to Islam. The dream of an Islamic Earth has survived
1400 years. And now the terrorists have hooked their wagon to the horse
of the pan Islamists, presenting terror as the way to finally defeat
Christianity and Buddhism and create dar al-Islam. The main symbol of
the Palestinian terror group Hamas is a green globe. Green is the color
of Islam, so the message is clear-create dar al-Islam by terror. The
last few paragraphs of that article say that the terrorists view their
struggle as lasting centuries. When Osama exhorts his followers to
outlast the West, he's thinking in terms of hundreds of years. And he
will probably get his wish, since civilizations come and go but religion
endures. Judaism has survived every attempt to eliminate it for 4000
years, for example. Long after Western Civilization is just a fading,
distant memory, when all that will remain of our technology is legends
about gods who flew in machines of steel and who stored libraries on
chips of sand, the jihadin will still be around, and still working
towards dar al-Islam.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !

An Associated Press survey of longtime students of international
terrorism finds them ever more convinced, in the aftermath of
London's bloody Thursday, that the world has entered a long siege in
a new kind of war.

They believe that al-Qaida is mutating into a global insurgency, a
possible prototype for other 21st-century movements, technologically
astute, almost leaderless. And the way out is far from clear.

In fact, says Michael Scheuer, the ex-CIA analyst, rather than move
toward solutions, the United States took a big step backward by
invading Iraq.

'Self-sustaining' jihad

Now, he said, "we're at the point where jihad is
self-sustaining," where Islamic "holy warriors" in Iraq fight
America with or without allegiance to al-Qaida's bin Laden.

The cold statistics of a RAND Corp. database show the impact of the
explosion of violence in Iraq:

The 5,362 deaths from terrorism worldwide between March 2004 and March
2005 were almost double the total for the same 12-month period before
the 2003 U.S. invasion.

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