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Old July 11th 05, 04:41 PM
Posts: n/a

an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

Big Snip To The Funny Stuff:

It's "here and now". It's codified into the regulations for a
federal license that YOU hold and are required to at least be familiar

One being codised in regs does NOT mean it is not Arcane? Indeed most
Federal regs are the very defination of Arcane

Two, No I am not required to be famiar with them, I am merely required
to obey them.

must you engage in crying Stevi

I'm not.

But I AM laughing at you...






I am going to wait with bated breath while you try to spin up an
explanation as to how you are not required to "be familiar" with the
regulations of the radio service in which you are a licensee, yet you
ARE required to obey them.... ! ! !

What spin? It is a simple matter, obvious to anyone with a brain, ah
prehaps that does let you out.

It IS a spin, Markie...

Answer my question, please...

How do you comply with the regulations if you aren't "familiar"
with them...???

Obeying the rules is all that is required.In the case of mode which
sparked this thread.

How do you comply with the regulations if you aren't "familiar"
with them...???

don't need to what number letter combination is USB in order to use
it, I push a botton on the rig and it does that for me

How do you comply with the regulations if you aren't "familiar"
with them...???

And by the way...Yes you ARE required to be familiar with Part 97.

Ask the FCC.


Uh huh...about what I figured...

You can be expected to at least know where to find the information
since you ARE responsible for it as a Commisssion licensee of an
Amateur Radio station.

expected sure I am expected by you to do lots of stuff

Required no

Required by the FCC...Yes.

You show where the FCC requires it. by rules and paragraph

The line on the back of your license where it says you will abide
by FCC rules and regualtions as thhey pertain to your Amateur Radio

I am merely required to the USE the airwaves correctly. If i di by use
Tarrot definiation the FCC doesn't care.

Sure they do.

Show me a Tarot (...not Tarrot) card deck that has Part 97 in it.

If I ID every 5 minute or 9 minutes because i don't remember the FCC
requires it every 10 the FCC doesn't care

The FCC doesn't care if you "ID" once a minute...As long as there's
no more than a 10 minute interval between them.

Then they care.

Read recent FCC NOV's and NAL's...Read the ARRL's webpage that
cites letters sent to Amateurs who violated that very paragraph.

Indeed in large discussions I generaly id every transmisstion since it
might not get back around to me in 10 minutes

If you didn't cause RF to be emitted, it doesn't matter.

BTW exactly where are they defined by paragraph Oh font of Knowledge
rival of the Oracle of Delphi

Where are the rules defined by paragraph?

Try Part 97 you blithering idiot!

Stevie thinks Part 97 is a single paragraph

The rules ARE defined in paragraphs in Part 97, Markie.

If you meant only ONE paragraph, that was due to YOUR failure to
effectively express that thought...

Maybe a gradeshcool English writing course would help you...

Instaead the turth is you up to stalking and harassment but everyone
(except perhaps you) knows that

Nope. You came here. No one forced you.

But so far YOU keep stealing all my glory by beating me to it.

Then shut up if showing me an idoit is your sole goal and you you feel
I am beating you to it

There's that "idoit" thing again.

You're holding at 100%.

You just manged to prove YOURself a lair

I am not a lair. Nor am I a liar.

I am taking you to task for treating Hans so rudely then lying
about it afterwards.

and Hans can't defend himself?

I was rdue to Han's

Yes, you were.

and you say Hans can't defend himself?

Nope. That's YOU "forging" my words.

he was rude to me.

No, he was not.

Yes he was. Only I can decide what I consider rude treatment

No. Society can set the parameters by which rude treatment is

In no way shape or form did Hans cross that line.

YOU did, however....

Anyone else over 12 with an interest in Amateur Radio had no
problem with it.

a hyperbole at least, I can at least one other person other 12 with an
interest in Ham radio hwho did not understand it

I think they need to disperse flyers in your town warning them
about you...No one should allow a 12 year old alone with you.

Then if you "grant" me these "rights" why do you haraas me for using

I don't "grant" you anything.

Help yourself to them...They were made for you. They fit you like
a glove.

Then grant me the rights you say I have and get on the topic of Ham
Radio, instead of people bashing

I am not people bashing.

Hans' only mistake was assuming that you might be able to
understand the answer.

gee Hans can't defend himself

He could quite ably if he chose to.

then let him

But I am having such fun showing you for the rude creep that you

But it's easy fun...You don't make it much of a challenge.

He just wouldn't enjoy rubbing your nose in your droppings as much
as I do, though...

Ah admiting to sadism again, but...

to work, it real has have some substance

Sure it does...

Folks can just surf Google under any of your "KONSTANS"
nomme-de-guerre's you have used.

Only in that you suggest something improper. My REAL intent was
to try and get you to spontaneously issue Hans an apology for your
smart mouth and abuse of his rendering of information to you.

That is an improper intent, and one doomed to failure

Doomed to failure, perhaps.

Not improper, however.

In addition I claim the right to respond to what you post , and deny
any responiblity to figure out what other crap is lurking in your mind

Didn't work. My bad.

a begining

You missed the point again, but hey, what's new...?!?!

If you want to lie, got lie next your your "aprtnr" for a while.
Be sure to offer him some "Ben-Gay" first, though.

Gee you know the gender of my partner? I have made a point of not
mentioning that takes a lot of typing in english.

Been stalking me more closely than I think or making stuff up again?

Nope. If you weren't such an idiot you'd remember what you wrote
a week ago.

Or more MarkieLying..?!?!

I did rebuke the respondant (it is his place to ecide if he was
insulted) rudely if you like

There was nothing to "rebuke".

yes there was. his failure to answer a yes or no question

So he's "guilty" for imparting MORE knowledge than you are capble
of processing...

But you STILL couldn't be polite to him and ask for a better
clarification if you didn't understand...?!?!

Good thing, too...Because you'd already called him a liar. Just
one more thing might ahve set him off.

If Hans lies i may well call him on it to date I have heard nothing I'd
clearly a lie. I have my doubts on some details of some of his stories
but I don't care enough to follow up

OTOH I don't care wether I set Hans off

You should.

BTW are you ever going to bother to learn to spell the word "Have"?


I OCCASSIONALLY transpose "h" and "a"...

As opposed to your near-every sentence errors?

That's a load!

BTW...Getting your "partner" to do your writing lately?

You were wrong on several levels.


Absolutely wrong on several levels.

not at all on any level


You owe Hans Brakob an apology.

IF he asks I will consider it

But not on your say so

If you don't consider it pertinent to do so without his asking,
then you're obviously not sincere.

Not at all


Hans (nor anyone else) is entitled an apology where no offense was
intended with indaicating in some form he was offended

Obviously he was.

But then what else is new...?!?!

another stveie falsehood


Is theire a manual of this fake socail rules or do you just make it all

as I said I'll consider apologizing to hans if he asks, but I apologize
to NONE on your say so Stevie

And like I said...if you haven't got the cajones to jsut offer him
a sincere apology on your own, it's not..well...sincere...

Steve, K4YZ