wrote in message
Here's a seller on ebay that has Radio-Mart beat by a long shot. The
seller id is: bargainland-liquidation. This business has over 12
THOUSAND negative feedbacks.
Yeah so? They have *hundreds of thousands* of positive feedbacks.
Do you suppose that negative feedback has
ANY meaning to the administrators at eBay? Forget Radio-Mart and his
negative feedbacks. This seller could really teach him a few things.
I seriously doubt that a buyers feedback rating has any effect on
eBay. Furthermore, this is as it should be. The feedback is there
such that each participant can make their own determination on whether
to deal with an individual or not.
Nothing to see here, move along....
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Lawrence Statton -
m s/aba/c/g
Computer software consists of only two components: ones and
zeros, in roughly equal proportions. All that is required is to
sort them into the correct order.