a cmoment about Part 97
Sec. 97.305 Authorized emission types.
(a) An amateur station may transmit a CW emission on any frequency
authorized to the control operator.
75 m Entire band.......... Phone,
image...................... (1), (2).
40 m 7.000-7.100 MHz...... RTTY,
data........................ (3), (9).
40 m 7.075-7.100 MHz...... Phone,
image...................... (1), (2), (9), (11).
40 m 7.100-7.150 MHz...... RTTY,
data........................ (3), (9).
40 m 7.150-7.300 MHz...... Phone,
image...................... (1), (2).
No mention int the section of any restriction of modes on 60m nor any
mention of 60 metter in part 97 at all