"an_old_friend" wrote
but that is NOT what clicking on FCC.gov get you
when you click through thier link "Rules and regulations"
Yes, it is.
I don't know where you got it
I'll give you step-by-step directions.
1) Start at
2) On the right column of that page, click the "Wireless Telecommunications"
3) When that page loads, in the left column click the "Rules and Regulations"
4) A new frame comes up. Scroll down and click "97 Amateur radio service"
5) On the page which loads, click the link near the top ending in
6) On the page which loads, scroll down and click the pdf icon for "97.303"
7) Scroll to the bottom of page 605 and read:
"97.303(s) An amateur station having an operator holding a General, Advanced or
Amateur Extra Class license may only transmit single sideband, suppressed
carrier, (emission type 2K8J3E) upper sideband on the channels 5332 kHz, 5348
kHz, 5368 kHz, 5373 kHz, and 5405 kHz. Amateur stations shall ensure that their
transmission occupies only the 2.8 kHz centered around each of these
frequencies. Transmissions shall not exceed an effective radiated power (e.r.p.)
of 50 W PEP. For the purpose of computing e.r.p. the transmitter PEP will be
multiplied with the antenna gain relative to a dipole or equivalent calculation
in decibels. A half wave dipole antenna will be presumed to have a gain of 0
dBd. Licenses using other antennas must maintain in their records either the
manufacturer data on the antenna gain or calculations of the antenna gain. No
amateur station may cause harmful interference to stations authorized in the
mobile and fixed services; nor is any amateur station protected from
interference due to the operation of any such station."
73, de Hans, K0HB