wrote in message
obtw - dunno if I ever explained why I stopped editing your call out,
Kim. (Forgive me if you've seen this before.)
I still think your callsign is "inappropriate" for ham radio. Just my
opinion. But it's not my callsign, it's yours, and FCC handed it out
and some others like it, including one in 6 land that has been held by
someone with the first name "Michael" as far back as 1979.
Then it occurred to me that if I heard you on the air I'd certainly
give you a call and hopefully have a QSO. Which would mean giving your
callsign on the ham bands.
Which meant that, inappropriate or not, I'd use your call on the air
but not on Usenet. And that's quite illogical, I think.
So I stopped editing it out.
73 de Jim, N2EY
Well...no explanation needed but, no, I had not seen any reason why you were
not, or whether you were even conscious of the fact that you were not.
Yep, I always wondered what would happen if I gave you a call on the air.
Now, I know. And, I'm glad to see that you would not have ignored me!
Although, there are ways around using my callsign on the air. I am the only
one who has to give it, ya know.
Hmmmm, maybe I shoulda just left well enough alone. By the way, Michael, in
Florida (if that is who you are speaking of) doesn't have that call any