On 11 Jul 2005 19:28:01 -0700, "JArthur"
wrote in .com:
If a longer antenna is better then why do they sometimes have to be cut
shorter when tuning?
Because a longer antenna isn't necessarily better. When you hear that
a longer antenna is better it's usually a comparison between lengths
of loaded and unloaded antennas of the same -electrical- length. An
unloaded CB antenna is 9', it's the longest 1/4-wave you can get, and
it's also the most efficent. Shorter antennas (firestiks, wilsons,
etc) are still a 1/4-wave long -electrically- but are less efficient
because they are shorter -physically-.
You tune your antenna to get it into a zone where it's most efficient,
where it's as close to a 1/4-wave as possible. That 'zone' is actually
pretty wide, and a 2:1 or better SWR across the band is a good
indication that you are in that zone; i.e, your antenna is tuned. If
you want a more efficient antenna then get one with the same
-electrical- length and a greater -physical- length.
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