NEC good for modeling STLs??
Hi, all --
Looking for guidance: I want to do some virtual experimenting
with small transmitting loops before I start welding up a few of
the real things. Questions:
* Is NEC, or one of its children, good for this sort of work?
* Do I need NEC/4, or will NEC/2 do?
* Can models handle curved conductors? If I have to enter a
zillion straight segments, OK, but I'd rather not.
* Will the model handle lumped impedances, e.g. the matching
capacitor at the far side of the loop?
* Does NEC take Q issues (conductor resistance, capacitor
leakage) into account?
* Can I usefully model over ground (ideal and real)? I have read
claims that STLs aren't affected by height-above-terrain, and I
rather suspect that it simply hasn't been convenient to hang the
contraptions half a lambda in the air, and the writers are just
whistling past the antenna range.
...I guess that's about enough topics to start a thread. Thanks.
-- Dai N7DAI