While I'm no expert on the matter, I would have to say that there would be
minimal, if any, difference between the two, as the technology was developed
by Uniden. I'd guess the only real difference is the name, as a Radio Shack
branded scanner can not use the same terminology due to copyright...
wrote in message
I am debating the choice of which scanner I would like to buy next. I
am interested in the newest Uniden (396T) and the Pro-97. I currently
own a Pro-96 which I love and I want to add something with a feature
like Close Call or Signal Stalker as well as keep my trunking
capability. I know there is a $350 difference between these two
scanners but that is irrelevant. I mainly want to get the best local
detection I can and so far have not found any definitive comparisons
of the two implementations. Has anyone reading experienced both that
could comment?
-Al A.