In article , Dave Hollander writes:
Hello - I'll check my 1942 Meissner book as I believe it has the
schematics for all of their receivers. Do you have a model number or a
name? I think one of their fancy receivers was called a Traffic Master.
Can you post some pictures?
Somehow I missed the original posting, but I have a bunch of Meissner docs
here, as well as the "Tru-Fidelity" radio that is essentially the Tarffic
Master optimized for hi-fi AM reception (push-pull 2A3s, chrome-plated audio
transformers, the works). Same well-known Meissner front end module.
Anyway, I have all sorts of data for the Traffic Master.
Photos would help, but a tube lineup would be even more useful and a lot easier
(you can post it. I don't do binary newsgroups).
73 es gud luck -- Mike K. AA1UK
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