Thread: Shack Cleaning
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Old February 18th 04, 07:52 AM
Brenda Ann
Posts: n/a

"Dave" wrote in message
There is no difference between Alaska, Hawaii, and New Mexico or

Will someone please explain this 48 state stuff?

What's the story?

The 'story' is TIME. NO ONE in Alaska or Hawaii wants to
WAIT for 'ground' delivery, which is what is usually quoted
in the shipping price. Maine is 7 days TOPS. NOT weeks
like AK and HI are.

I asked at the Post Office, TODAY, in person, and found
that GROUND to Alaska is 4 weeks!!! So that means that
if I quote you 'parcel post' or 'Priority' - it makes NO DIFFERENCE
and will take a month to get to Alaska. Even WORSE for
Hawaii- 4 to 6 weeks.

So that means 'I'll pay the shipping at the rate quoted but if you
don't live in the lower-48, and you want it before summer, you
will have to cough up more money'

On the other hand, if I quote 'any state in the union' that means
that 48 states will get a VERY HIGH price just to make 'one price
for all' work for AK and HI.

Pretty simple. Go to and enter your own shipping
info and you'll see. It's really a simple issue.

That's pretty bad.. I get stuff over here (Korea, at my APO) in 7 to 10 days
via USPS Priority mail. Sometimes it even gets here faster. Just got a
radio in to repair for a friend, he sent it Parcel Post from California, and
it got here in 6 days (delivered to ME, and I'm sure it sat at least a day
on each end in transit).