Scottiekins has a plan to save America from Bush!
His plan is to appoint himself president, FUGGLY renter as vice
president, and bust John Walker Lindh out of prison to make him our
ambassador to AlQuaeda...that Scottioekins is one bright SOB. No wonder
his supporters are rallying around him.
You forgot one detail...send Bill Clinton and Hitlary to Iraq as good
will ambassadors to the jihadists. Maybe they could give 'em a nuclear
reactor, like Billyboy did to North Korea.
While you are at it, send Sandy Berger along too...with his gifted
insight maybe he can get some more of our troops killed doing stupid
crap like Somalia. If nothing else you could send all 3 of em in a
Hummer with a big bullseye painted on it. That would give the scumbags
some fellow scumbags to kill.
You could call this a humanitarian mission...afterall, if the jihadists
nail 'em you can spin the positive benefits for Chelsea as your
original intent.
We anxiously await further details of the proposed Scottiekins/FUGGLY
renter administration. Does your fellow taxidermist mopathetic side
with you on this stuff as well?