Mike Knudsen wrote:
Now that I've already done the stupid thing of powering up without reforming
the caps (assuming I really do have B+ in the beast and not just bias and LV
supplies?), does anyone have any hints or comments about this rig? Quality,
value, things to look out for, gotchas?
Such as, which mode position is best for initial tune-up into a dummy load?
CW? Nice to have a Drive control so I can start small on power levels.
Might take me a while to find a mic connector (I think every TX maker wanted
to sell his own line of mikes -- no two connectors alike).
73, Mike K. AA1UK
I had one many, many years ago and it was a good rig. I seemed to have
a persistent problem with popping diodes in the bias supply but that may
have been 'my' problem.
Mine had a regular Amphenol mic connector - dunno if that was original
but I didn't need PTT anyway :-)
I wound up changing to 6146 just for the heck of it...no real difference.
It tunes up easy...assuming its neutralized just tune for max output.
You really can't tune it up wrong. I recall it being persnikety about
the 6AW8 and 12BY7 (I think they were) having the tube shields firmly in
place - not unexpected.
-Bill M