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Old July 16th 05, 12:55 AM
Posts: n/a

K=D8HB wrote:
Question 1: If Icom/Ten-Tec/Yaesu-Standard/MFJ/Kenwood-Trio left the ama=

radio equipment market this afternoon, in ten years amateur radio would b=


a) Revitalized as a experimenters technical hobby
b) Extinct

c) Neither

1) There's a lot of good used ham gear around,

2) New companies would arise to take their place

3) Some hams would actually build stuff.

It may seem farfetched to think that
Icom/Ten-Tec/Yaesu-Standard/MFJ/Kenwood-Trio would disappear. But back
in 1967, when I became a ham, it seemed farfetched that
would disappear from the amateur market. But they did.

Question 2: If you were 'inventing' amateur radio today, would you inc=

lude a
Morse examination in the license qualification?
a) Yes
b) No


73 de Jim, N2EY