Thread: R75 VS Sat800
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Old July 15th 05, 09:38 PM
Mark S. Holden
Posts: n/a

I wonder if this is really true. I've never used an SW8 and I know that
there are some similarities between it and the 800. However, based on
what I've heard about the SW8, I thought it (at least in its later
incarnations) was supposed to be in a different 'league' than the 800
performance-wise. Is this incorrect?


Other than case size and build quality, the Sat 800 is basically a post
'96 SW8.

They both have the unusual characteristic of displaying USB as L|SB.
(If that doesn't show up right, it's an L with a vertical line next to
it to create a U)

There may have been a preamp added to the whip on the 800.

But if I was considering buying one, I'd go for the SW8 in a heartbeat.