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Old July 16th 05, 10:24 PM
Volker Tonn
Posts: n/a

Nic. Santean schrieb:

Hello All,

As the subject shows, my question is "What is the best shortwave portable
ever ?".

Define 'portable 'and 'best'.

My NRD-525 in conjunction with a batterie and antenne for sure makes a
pretty 'fine' portable....
....surely not the 'best' though in whatever regard.

Portable by whom? A baby ? An athletic man?
What size? shirt-pocket-size? Portable in a handbag? Portable on a trailer?
External antenna connector is a big issue. But how to walk around the
block with a 50ft slinky antenna?

best in portability?
best in batterie consumtion?
best in sensitivity?
best in selectivity?
best in 'ergonomics'?
best in noise floor?
best in features?
best in sound?
best in SSB?
best for broadcast listening?
best for utility and amateur radio?
best in price?

Some of the likes exclude each other. So great selectivity with great
sensitivity allways results in much power consumtion....
Every good analog radio beats a pll-synthesized radio regarding
self-made noise floor
What ergonomicsdo you like best? tuning with up-down knobs or with a dial?
Too many features are a natural enemy of ergonomics.
So there is at least a handful of 'best' portables regarding of what
someone prefers most.
Among those is:
The Sony ICF-2010
The Sony 7600G and GR
The Sony SW77
The Sangean ATS-909
The Drake SW8
The Grundig/Eton SAT800
One of the Degen radios when it comes to the price.....

So PLEASE be more specific what YOU want!