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Old July 16th 05, 10:49 PM
Radio Ron
Posts: n/a

What is the "Qualification for best"?
TEchnology to dollar ratio?
Strict technical quality?
Greatest impact to a international listening audiance at a time when
SW was the ONLY mediem availale to axis nations? Or during the cold

Yeah I am trolling... but with good cause as there does not seem to be
a lot left on SW to north america in English from world broadcasters.
If I (or you) were bi-lingual or tri-lingual from Asia or
Central/South America I would have a different question or answer.

The best portable for ME was a SONY CRF 5090.
I used this Sony extensively while serving in Southeast Asia. Great
sensitivity, excellent sselectivity and had a dial resoltion for
tuning that was pretty hard too beat for a slide rule tuning dial.
WWV, , Austrailian time signals at 12mhz as well as foreign
broadcaters of know frequency could be retuned pretty acurately. You
could extrapolate to within 25 KHZ with out to much difficulty.
That was before the time of digital readouts and just finding a
frequency plus or minus 100khz was almost unheard of on a portable.
ZenithTrans Oceanics and Juliette World band and others served well

Sorry if this was not quite the direction you wanted the thread to go.
Your question was really pretty open ended!

On Sat, 16 Jul 2005 15:34:27 -0400, "Nic. Santean"

Hello All,

As the subject shows, my question is "What is the best shortwave portable
ever ?".
