Thread: stevie shit
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Old July 19th 05, 12:15 AM
an old friend
Posts: n/a

K4YZ wrote:
an old friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
an old friend wrote:
first a few words of explaination

It seem google has limits on how much one can pus through one account
in a period of time

limits that repling to stevie have exceeded so addd another account to
take up the slack sorry for any confused caused

The confusion comes from trying to make sense of that dreck you
call English.

not here another stevie

Uh huh.

Another "Markie"...Trying to "diss" me with the very same
gang-raped English he claims he doesn't use!

just using the same sort of english you do. gues you are admiting to
gang raping english then

But i certainly don't gang rape english or anything else being only one

Huge snip of tit-for-tat Markie Dreck

more doging the point you mean

I DID say YOU have some DNA anomolies that make YOUR genetic
history dubious. YOU then validated my assumption by claiming to be a

nope typos do not affect DNA if you think so please turn in your LPN

But you're not human. You're a Hukman. You said so yourself.


Must be a "pagan" thing.

more #### from you

More profanity from you.

sure thing but your **** is still ****

must be hate or fear

Must be Markie on drugs.

not on drugs don't need em

Yes, Markie...You NEED drugs...lots and lots of drugs.



maybe an asprin after reading your ####

Perhaps if you understood English a bit better...?!?!

I understand it and I understand your **** too

Steve, K4YZ