Thread: stevie shit
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Old July 19th 05, 12:53 AM
an old friend
Posts: n/a

K4YZ wrote:
an old friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

Another "Markie"...Trying to "diss" me with the very same
gang-raped English he claims he doesn't use!

just using the same sort of english you do. gues you are admiting to
gang raping english then


You're just a liar, Markie.

as are you

You'll always be second place...more like 3rd or 4th.

to what

But i certainly don't gang rape english or anything else being only one

Sure you do. Your abuse of the language is horrific.

not possible I am one personson gang mean at least 2 or more

Huge snip of tit-for-tat Markie Dreck

more doging the point you mean



More snipping your tit-for-tat.

I DID say YOU have some DNA anomolies that make YOUR genetic
history dubious. YOU then validated my assumption by claiming to be a

nope typos do not affect DNA if you think so please turn in your LPN

But you're not human. You're a Hukman. You said so yourself.


Yep. You said it.


Must be a "pagan" thing.

more #### from you

More profanity from you.

sure thing but your #### is still ####

Now you're a proctologist? A pathologist?

neither but your **** is still ****

I doubt it.

me too

Perhaps if you understood English a bit better...?!?!

I understand it and I understand your #### too

No, you don't.

yes I did

Steve, K4YZ