harry wrote:
Hi Folks:
A guy at work bought his old guitar amp to get looked at. The
tech said he needed new tubes. (probably really doesn't). However, I
needed to bring in my 833A and said he needed 2 tubes like this!! He
was hysterical!
The tech and I got talking about BIG glass tubes. I was wondering if
anyone knows of a bigger glass tube than 833a , 852 , 861, 4-1000a
Well, there's a ham who has a website of pics of his full-gallon rig,
with one _BIG_ Russian glass tube as the final, all out on 2x2 and 2x4
supports. I don't have that, but someone might remember it. It looked
like the tube was about 18" high.
IMHO WinTelnet is one of those situations in which both fish and firearm
are firmly bracketed to the barrel itself, in perfect alignment, and
actually walking up and pulling the trigger starts to fall into the "Why
Bother?" category. -- A deB, in the Monastery