largest glass tube
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February 25th 04, 11:52 PM
Mike Knudsen
Posts: n/a
In article ,
(harry) writes:
A guy at work bought his old guitar amp to get looked at. The
tech said he needed new tubes. (probably really doesn't). However, I
needed to bring in my 833A and said he needed 2 tubes like this!! He
was hysterical!
The tech and I got talking about BIG glass tubes. I was wondering if
anyone knows of a bigger glass tube than 833a , 852 , 861, 4-1000a
The 849 comes close, if I recall the number right. When I was a kid in the
50s, our family knew the guy who maintained all the local airport radios. He
brought me a lot of weak or blown tubes. The 849 was a classic -- over a foot
tall, big metal plate cap. The filamanet was a wispy M shape held up by little
spring-loaded clips on the ceramic frame inside. The tech said they only ran
it about 150 watts, so it would last a *long* time. Probbly used in the LW
ISTR people made table lamps out of these bottles. 73, Mike K.
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