"I AmnotGeorgeBush" wrote in message
(Jeff Mayner)
Whoops..it contaminated my other pics and folders,,,,,try this.
Got it. And now I'm not so sure I should have
made the request. If someone had a weight
problem that would make a great diet aid. One
look and you wouldn't be able to eat anything
for a good couple of hours!
Hey! Did you make your mind-up about the
bike? I got the 5 gal tank and the Corbin to fit
it. I'm mobile, brother! ;-)
You need to be on that thing with the heat indexes I see you guys
experiencing. I saw 105 in some parts of central Cal the other day, even
hotter down south. We had a 99 degree day a few days ago and it was
downright nasty,,humidity hovering at 98%.
I want to see what Labor Day brings (2006 models). Awesome move with
the Corbin,,,,at least from what I read and hear. You should be ready
for some of those long off roaders. Did you check that link?
It's not so bad Twist, it's like riding in a convection oven

We got up to 108 the other day, Damn hot! But we're in a cold
wave now........Down to 99 to 102 LOL!!! Almost too hot to drive
the Bronco with the top off, but not yet.
Corbin is headquartered in Hollister, I've had a number of my bikes
fitted by them. It's much better to ride or take the bike down there,
have them fit the seat while you wait, that way you do get a custom
fitted seat.
The internet is fun but it's no substitute for books, people, nature,
or direct experiences. But you think that you can get everything you
need from your computer, you are a fool.
Frank Gililland