Tempo One repairs needed
Anyone know where I can get mine fixed? It has the original
speaker/power supply, Xcvr is the Black faced one.
Got in by a trade as my first HF rig, and yes, it was butchered by
putting in the 11 meter crystal for the 29mhz range. Has low to no
output on 20 meters (nothing on external power meter), low output on
80 meters (50 w). No idea how it was treated before I got it, but is
is pretty grungy inside. I also have a set of schematics for it, but
I don't feel that comfortable working on the innards, what little
tweaking I attempted made 80 meters go to low output, and can't get it
back up now.
Anyway, sorry for the long rant. First CW and Phone contact with this
rig, would like to have it working as part of my small collection.
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Molon Labe!