I shall have to look and simultaneously sympathize with your poor lot. I
have but two small but wretched patches of ice left in the shadow of a bush.
Rain, wind and near 50 highs have replaced the snow (but it did snow a foot
at the ski hill 200 miles away). The lows did bring lots of slides on the
roadways though.
"Ron, KC4YOY" wrote in message
. com...
Since we were sent home from work because of the
blizzard and have been snowed in all afternoon, I decided
to use the time to work on a web page I'd been thinking
It's going to be all about Clough-Brengle equipment,
both test gear and transmitters.
It's far from being finished, but there's enough there
to be looked at. Check it out here,
There's more coming soon.
73, Ron
Antique Radio Collector & Historian
POBox 3015
Matthews, NC 28106-3015
704-289-1166 (home)
Radio Collection Web Page,
CC-AWA Web Page,