Finally, the FCC has seen the light of day.
Allowing a few senile old men to kill amateur radio with their
moth-ridden egos was too much to sit by watching. Apparently, someone
else also noticed.
This may be a hint that a new dawn may be rising on amateur radio and
some new energetic fellows may be allowed to step in and move amateur
radio from the stoneage.
I think all knew, it was only a matter of time. I just expected more
would have to fall to death by old age before this would happen, but I
knew time was close. Still, keep your fingers crossed, a few old
"girly-boy" old hams bit*hing like old women can hold back true
This does prophesize the future, however, a few years may still need
to pass before this is finally realized.
wrote in message
73 de Jim, N2EY