Well not trying to be glib or what ever....
Have you checked around with folks who "collect" older radios?
Some items that collectors balk at buying are items that have been
If your looking to just use it... I gots no advice. But I would check into
wisdom of redoing the panel. If the ol' radios are any thing like old items
the antiques TV shows, refinishing and refurbishing kill the value of the
Good luck 73 Gary
" Uncle Peter" wrote in message
The patient is an otherwise nice Globe Scout 40A, but it suffers from
the common malady of moisture getting under the enamel paint
on the front panel, which caused some of the paint to bubble and
flake off. There is some residual rust on the now bare metal.
The problem seems worse at the edges, as would be expected.
Here's a real closeup shot, which makes the problem look worse
than it is:
Question: What is the best way to handle this? My first impulse is
to have a decal set made, strip the panel, and repaint.
On the other hand, I'm wondering if I can have some paint matched
to the original color, and using an artist's brush, touch up the bare
areas as needed.
Or, should I mask the otherwise good decals, and spray the whole
panel with a fresh coat?
I'm also wondering how to match the sheen of the new paint to
the now "dead" flat finish on the old enamel? Can I overcoat
the old and new with some clear acrylic to balance out the sheen?