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Old July 21st 05, 07:04 PM
Posts: n/a
Default want to build 30m xtal lsb rcvr

I'm looking to buy in kit form (or prebuilt if it's cheap enough) a
receiver whose sole purpose in life would be to sit on 10.151 LSB and
decode APRS packets to be relayed into APRS-IS on the internet via a
computer with a sound card. I've been looking around and I've found
the 30 meter half watt Rock-Mite CW tranceiver from Small Wonder Labs
for $27 including shipping, $39.50 with the connectors. I'd imagine
this would work just fine if I swapped the crystal in it to 10.148.5
or so, but I really don't need the transmit option, unless there was
some way to modify it to take the sound card output from my computer
and transmit 300 baud packet with it. It looks like since you can
choose two frequencies 1khz from each other, that maybe it would be
able to be modified to transmit the frequencies for mark and space and
perhaps be switched by some sort of FSK mechanism controlled by a
serial port. Anyways, that's more than I think I want to get into with
this project and would be happy if somewhere out there was an easy
crystal controlled kit that will just receive one 30 meter frequency in
lower side band.
