Thread: A Sad Day
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Old July 21st 05, 10:29 PM
Jayson Davis
Posts: n/a

John Smith wrote:

If you would chart developments and advancements in every technical
field--amateur radio would come in last; frankly, I would doubt ones
mental abilities who would even move in the direction of challenging
that statement.

A religious devotion to cw and a real "good old boys club" has damaged
amateur radio for decades. Personalities which have an "anti-social
bent" have been in control here far too long, calling them just
"eccentric" is far too kind.

Let us hope that decades of damage which has been done can be repaired
quickly by the young men I am wishing and hoping to be here with us.

Too often, tunnel vision only allows us to see that which we wish to
see, but none can deny amateur radio has been in decline for
decades--there is some reason for that.

Now we need to encourage bright young men from industry here, so that
we may mass produce cheap equipment and make amateur radio easy to
step into. Hopefully, china and other developing countries will find
it profitable and worth doing, to mass produce amateur equipment in a
flowing abundance. Hopefully, soon, in the future the bands will be
so congested calls are made for the bands to be expanded to
accommodate all the hams needing bandwidth. A boom like that which CB
experienced in the 70's would be most desirable, however, I do realize
this is probably too much to even hope for.

As soon as cw falls, I see the most important step being in
"advertising" the fact that cw is no longer a requirement. Spreading
the word and helping others to study and pass the written exam will be
key in getting the numbers we need at that time.

Warmest regards,

"Dee Flint" wrote in message

"John Smith" wrote in message


Although we have differences in our thoughts and evaluation of this
whole situation, let us both hope you are wrong--dear.

We need some good news for a change! Amateur radio and a bright
future for it is bigger than you and I put together, indeed, it is
more important than all of us here.

Warmest regards,


I see a fine future for amateur radio but I also see a stabilization
of numbers just as is occuring in our population growth and all the
other activities to which I belong. The news of the FCC action and
the action itself will have little to no noticeable impact. Ham
radio would continue to develop either way.

Dee D. Flint, N8UZE