On Fri, 15 Jul 2005 16:27:17 +0100, "Polymath"
Go and take a look.
That could be a dangerous suggestion, as seen at
http://www.lhup.edu/~dsimanek/horse.htm which contains a few
additional comments as to the source.
In part, it reads:
In the year of our Lord 1432, there arose a grievous quarrel among the
brethren over the number of teeth in the mouth of a horse. For
thirteen days the disputation raged without ceasing. All the ancient
books and chronicles were fetched out, and wonderful and ponderous
erudition such as was never before heard of in this region was made
manifest. At the beginning of the fourteenth day, a youthful friar of
goodly bearing asked his learned superiors for permission to add a
word, and straightway, to the wonderment of the disputants, whose deep
wisdom he sore vexed, he beseeched them to unbend in a manner coarse
and unheard-of and to look in the open mouth of a horse and find
answer to their questionings. At this, their dignity being grievously
hurt, they waxed exceeding wroth; and, joining in a mighty uproar,
they flew upon him and smote him, hip and thigh, and cast him out
forthwith. For, said they, surely Satan hath tempted this bold
neophyte to declare unholy and unheard-of ways of finding truth,
contrary to all the teachings of the fathers. After many days more of
grievous strife, the dove of peace sat on the assembly, and they as
one man declaring the problem to be an everlasting mystery because of
a grievous dearth of historical and theological evidence thereof, so
ordered the same writ down.
Francis Bacon, 1592.
"Don Baker" wrote in message
I would like to be able to determine if antenna is present at the end of a
piece of coax.