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Old July 22nd 05, 12:08 AM
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From: Jim Hampton on Jul 21, 3:44 pm

"an_old_friend" wrote in message

It having been a few years since the last round I and prehaps other
could a use a reminder. Doesn't the FCC have to take some action
beyond this to put there new rules in effect

Usually, this is the next to last stop. This was a notice of proposed
rulemaking. That means that they intend to make this a reality, unless Bush
says that they should not change the rules due to dangers of weapons of mass

The NOTICE of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) is (nearly always) first.
Then follows the Comment period...itself followed by a long wait
while the lawyers at the FCC draft the Report and Order (R&O).
Once the R&O is published in the Federal Register it is LAW.

Code red, code red! Battle stations, everyone. Danger, Will Robinson. Man
the photon torpedos. Engage trans-warp engins.

Unless there is a threat of weapons of mass destruction, the FCC will follow
through with the new rules. Of course, it might happen. Bush is always
working on things, even when on vaction. There are cell phones and they are
working on ... um, things. There are fax machines and his is always busy
working on things. Even satellite communications and he is um ... working
.. on .... things ...

In one way you are right...WT Docket 05-235 is a WMD.

A Weapon of MORSE Destruction! :-)

Do the Mighty Macho Morsemen want "Iraq III" on that WMD?

My guess is that the changes will occur as Bush is too busy with .....
things ))

Which "Bush?" The elimination of the morse code test has
been worked on by various groups for over two decades. It is
NOT relative to any political politics or any particular

I see they are laying off another 10,000 worldwide at Kodak with 7,000 of
those local jobs. Glad Bush is working .... um, on things.

Irrelevant topic in here. Eastman Kodak has been a big name
for years. That doesn't mean they get to claim fief and title
for anything. Face it (with or without portrait lens), the
future of silver halide photography media is NOT advancing.

Eastman Kodak started up in the photo biz with a little box
camera pre-loaded with film. One took the box camera to a
developer (usually a drug store), had the film developed and
the camera re-loaded, all for one price. A few years ago
they "pioneered" the already-loaded "one-shot" camera one
brought into the dealer for developing. Some "pioneering!"
BTW, Eastman sells (or maybe re-sells) digital cameras, too
(see Ritz Camera chain for details).

Would you say Xerox is a big company? Yes? Okay, their PARC
(Palo Alto Research Center) INVENTED both the mouse and the
GUI (Graphical User Interface). Xerox head honchos decided
neither had a "future" and allowed PARC to sell their
invention and didn't bother pursuing any more R&D on them.
Guess what all personal computers of today have in common?
[a mouse and a GUI operating system!]

Where was radio 110 years ago? The first "radios" used on-
off keying (by "morse" code) because that was they ONLY
way to use them for communications in this new "low-tech."
Radiotelegraphy reached a high art around 1940 (give or take)
and then slowly slid into less and less use by all but radio
amateurs. Now it isn't used for communications anywhere else
in radio but the "ham bands." Even then, its use is slowly

You can't Hold Back The Dawn. The best you can do is put up
some curtains or tent to shield your old skills from damage of
direct sunlight in this new era.