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Old July 22nd 05, 05:21 AM
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From: Jim Hampton on Jul 21, 9:21 pm

wrote in message
From: Jim Hampton on Jul 21, 3:44 pm
"an_old_friend" wrote in message

Hello, Len

Weapon of Morse destruction .... ))

That's what the PCTA extras think... :-)

BTW, I've referred to myself as a "WMD" back when Shrub put
the USA into Iraq for a "dry-fire Vietnam."

LOL I can't help but respond. At least someone has a sense of humor around
here. I might not always agree with you, but don't change. It would kill

Wouldn't think of it. My wife is the musician here. I say
"no violins!"

Good grief, as many times as I've explained. I have sent and received Morse
faster than many folks can type. Perfect copy in the Navy at 40 words per
minute (the fastest tape they had).

Good on that. I have no objection to someone USING morsemanship.
I have lots and lots of objections to federal law MAKING me
demonstrate morsemanship...when that same law doesn't require
me to USE that morsemanship (in the amateur bands). I've NEVER
had to use morsemanship to effect radio communications in the
last half century in any OTHER radio service...including
government radio AFTER I was discharged from the Army.

No big deal, but I get concerned when someone someone says "we don't type
anymore; we use word processors". I had that at an interview once some
years back. Next time, I'll ask them to bring on the fastest, meanest "word
processing person" they've got. I might not win, but they will be up for a
considerable fight. Everyone takes everything out of context. When I say I
can type 65 words per minute plus on a bad day into a head wind, I am not
saying "cut and paste". I mean how the heck do folks get the info into the
dang thing in the first place?

I learned in middle school typing class around 1946/1947 (we
called it "junior high school" then before the feel-good PC
crowd wanted to remove the nasty "junior" label). NO KEY TOP
MARKINGS on those mechanical typewriters! :-)

I used to run the old Model 15/19s to their limit of 60 WPM
in the Army. No problem. I can still cruise at 60 WPM,
burst at 100 WPM. On a Model 60 Selectric or this PC with
WP 8 installed.

As to the GUI, Apple "stole" that from Xerox
(which didn't believe there was a future) and then sued Microsoft over the

I disagree on both points. PARC got paid. The later civil
suit Microsoft v. Apple Computer wasn't about GUI per se...
it was on the "look and feel"...BTASE, not relevant to this
newsgroup. The PCTA extras in here don't like "digital"
because it "isn't RADIO"! :-)

I've heard too much of this "ancient technology" stuff and I see to many
"hunt and peck" alleged typists - excuse me, word processors..... or is that
word processing folks?

I think that's a reference to using MECHANICAL typewriters versus
computer-plus-inkjet/laserjet-printer mechanics with software
that can handle proportional-type-pitch fonts. I may be the only
person in here who has operated a proportional-type-pitch
mechanical typewriter used in ready-for-offset manuscript
preparation. Again, irrelevant to this newsgroup. This newsgroup
now seems to be about mortgages and real estate! :-)

Our two houses don't have any mortgages, nor any "covenants"
so I guess I can't get a ham license! :-)

Anyone can forward a joke received in an e-mail. I'm not impressed. Sorry.

I never sent you any jokes, forwarded or not, in e-mail...nor
used one in here. ? Nan desuka?

73 from Rochester, NY

ps - but I did enjoy the comment on Weapon of Morse Destruction.

pps - now go wind up some core memory!!!! ))

Not on yer life! I've repaired a core plane once, long long
ago. That was a "huge" core thing (30 mm cores). Can't
for the life of me see doing that core stringing 8 hours a
day! Worse than my wife's cross-stitching nit-pickyness!

ppps - (gawd, do I *ever* shut up?) now you might understand how some feel
about the code. We enjoy it but don't care to be kidded about it.

Okay, YOU i won't kid. Others, well, that's a different story.
Others in here can get downright arrogant and totally
obnoxious about it. They deserve commentary on their arrogance
and obnoxious behavior. Capice?

Don't forget that I was doing HF communications at least 8 hours
a day for three years in the Army...on a 24/7 basis for the
station. All TTY or voice with a twist of facsimile now and
then. I KNOW the comparative speeds and the massive amounts of
traffic go through an Area Headquarters comm facility. TTY at
the old standard of 60 WPM always outclassed the manual morse
handlers for a whole day's worth of messaging.

works, it is simple, and it is quite effective compared to most folks typing

"CW gets through when everything else will..." - Brian Burke

You lay off the code, I'll quit about the core memory

Not a chance. Although I am curious about the "core memory"
mention. I'm familiar with magnetic core memory and its
read-modify-write sequencing. I'm also familiar with solid-
state CMOS RAM of low standby power, terrific fast access,
and terrific fast write. I'm using a 512K by 8 RAM package
right now (in the workshop) in a three-package computer-on-
board thingy. Up until about a decade ago, mag core memory
was de rigeur for spaceflight due to Alpha radiation messing
about with ordinary solid-state RAM. No longer. Solid-state
memory techniques keep improving and outer space radiation
ain't a problem it once was to RAM.

Was there anything else, then? :-)