an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
Thanks, Mark!
Appreciate your cooperation!
Steve, K4YZ
realy losing it stevie cant find anything to leave
Haven't lost anything, Markie.
And what's to "leave"?
Just more of your silly "nope" to things you've already admitted to
then try to say you DIDN'T say..?!?!
You're an admitted liar, Morgan. You're a disgrace to your family
name and ought to have your picture nailed to phone poles all over town
warning people that you're a danger to society and yourself (especially
children that you'd intentionally teach to lie...)
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm...I've got a few days off coming up...Maybe I'll do
just that....I've always wanted to see upstate Michigan...
Steve, K4YZ