Happy to see that someone can read Italian.
I do not wish to explictly mention companies which one can easily find =
on the Internet.
Someone has envisoned an antenna generating E and H fields that are in =
phase, opposite to normal antennas having E and H fields shifted by 90 =
Another funny thing is that, to obtain such shift, they put a reactive =
network in series with the antenna. It would be like saying that, =
putting a capacitor in series with a resistor, one can cause the =
resistor current to get out of phase with respect to the resistor =
Tony, I0JX
"Mike Knudsen" ha scritto nel messaggio =
In article , "Antonio Vernucci"
Sorry, that message was intended for the Italian amateurs newsgroup. =
I =3D
posted it here by mistake, sorry
Does the antenna described really go beyond the electromagnetic laws =
--Mike K.
Oscar loves trash, but hates Spam! Delete him to reply to me.