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Old July 23rd 05, 06:18 AM
John Smith
Posts: n/a

Well Tom Garigue:

Glad to meet you!

Interesting, I have never really done QRP, I am guilty of being a bit
heavy on large amps and input power... but do find it a bit
interesting, qrp.

I had developed a simple led swr meter in another newsgroup (original
design--I think) and had been looking for a QRP'er to check it out...
will have to look up the schematic and pics and have you take a look
and see if it is any use at QRP levels... I was using it at 5+ watts

Well Tom, my bark is much worse than my bite and I don't hold a grudge
long... perhaps we will find out what we agree and disagree on as we
go along here...

One thing, I'll tell ya how it looks to me... grin

I hope you don't mind my anonymity here, but I have been burnt when
people know my name, call and address. But I assure you, there is a
real person behind this text, and only one...

Warmest regards,
John Smith

"garigue" wrote in message

"John Smith" wrote in message
Tom and/or garigue:

How do you know I am not one of those "brain damaged" hams? Made
from running illegal-multiple-kilowatts off my bedsprings (and
experiencing a HIGH SWR which bathed me in gamma rays like got the
green hulk!) in a cheap-wino-hotel?

(well, ok, I am lying--it was a motel)


Keep a sense of humor about you man--it helps when all else fails


Well I have yet to have all else fail ......and besides I run QRP
most of
the time .......

A sense of humor ...... boy that is what gets me through the day

Tom and or Garigue ....actually both ..... Garrigue is my middle
name ......
due to my grandmothers love of Thomas Garrigue Masaryk ..the first
of Czechoslovakia .... I dropped the extra r ....opps I'm off topic
Len .....

Take care ... Tom KI3R .....