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Old July 23rd 05, 04:41 PM
John Smith
Posts: n/a


Above and beyond the call of duty, he has demonstrated, with
conclusive proof, he is, indeed, a dx-tard.

Only a truly retarded American could have preformed such postings
without flinching and with such a total disregard for his image and
those who would question his sanity.

I will attest in the affirmative to the question you pose... he is
indeed the finest 'Tard I have ever met...


"-=jd=-" wrote in message
. 20...
On Sat 23 Jul 2005 09:42:13a, David wrote in

The Disclosures of Valerie Wilson's Identity


For the most part reads as the media naming names and claiming that,
when an
administration offical admits hearing a similar rumor, that
admission equates
to confirmation. Well, heck! I have heard from a top R.R.S. official
rickets is a 'tard. Has anyone else heard that rumor as well? If I
can find
one other person that has heard that same rumor, then by
standards, it is a full and unequivocable confirmation.

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